#26 Patty Murphy talks about taking the steps towards a more sustainable quilting practice, enjoying surprising creativity when you limit your resources, and that every small step you take matters
Show Notes
Website - https://pattymurphyhandmade.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pattymurphyhandmade/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063722872965
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@pattymurphy272/videos
Talladega Nights - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talladega_Nights:_The_Ballad_of_Ricky_Bobby
The Piecing Makeover - https://pattymurphyhandmade.com/product/piecing-makeover/
Zero Waste Quilting (Available November 25) - https://pattymurphyhandmade.com/zero-waste-quilting/
Portland Modern Quilt Guild - https://portlandmodernquiltguild.com/
*The Artist’s Way - https://amzn.to/4cuQnBG
Eco Enclose - https://www.ecoenclose.com/
Perfect Piecing Handy Pocket Guide - https://pattymurphyhandmade.com/product/perfect-piecing-handy-pocket-guide/
Sister Corita Kent - https://www.corita.org/
Ten Rules of Artmaking - https://might-could.com/essays/10-rules-for-artists-by-sister-corita-kent/
Here's my pandora thumbs up list. It's got a lot of songs but when I have music on when I sew, I'm jamming out to these. Let me know if the link doesn't work.
Kaffe Collective - https://www.kaffefassett.com/fabrics-menu-page/kaffe-fassett-collective/
Anna Maria - https://annamariahorner.com/
Alison Glass - https://alisonglass.com/
Libs Elliott - https://libselliott.com/
*The Golden Thread - https://amzn.to/4fXsLIH
*The Fabric of Civilization - https://amzn.to/3XdHYhE
*Affiliate link - I might make a commission but you don’t pay more
Where to find Sam Hunter:
How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz - www.revcraftbiz.com
Hunter's Design Studio - www.huntersdesignstudio.com
Embroidered Journey - www.embroideredjourney.com
Creatively Sorted - www.creativelysorted.com
Sam Hunter Art - www.samhunterart.com
The RevCraftBiz Podcast is a Quilt Talk™ product
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