#23: Jo Westfoot talks about the quilting community she has created, and what she does to keep them learning new things. We also chat about the difference between British and American ways of presenting an online persona!
Show Notes
Website - https://www.thecraftynomad.co.uk/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecraftynomadfleet @thecraftynomadfleet
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thecraftynomad
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCraftyNomad
Quilt Community - Quilt Hive - https://sewingschool.thecraftynomad.co.uk/courses/quilt-hive
Cold Turkey Blocker - https://getcoldturkey.com/
Pattern Courses offered by Jo - https://www.thecraftynomad.co.uk/courses
QuiltCon 2025 - https://quiltcon.com/
QuiltCon Transparency Challenge - https://quiltcon.com/apq-quilting-challenge/
Birmingham Festival of Quilts - https://www.thefestivalofquilts.co.uk/
Astrid from Apples and Beavers - https://applesandbeavers.com/
Her Sleeping Dragon - https://applesandbeavers.com/product/dragon-dreams-pdf-pattern/
Sonia of Fabric and Flowers - https://fabricandflowers.co.uk/
Berene Campbell of Happy Sew Lucky - https://happysewlucky.com/
Party Rings - Cookies/Biscuits - https://amzn.to/4dUak69
Helen of And Sew I… - https://andsewi.com/
Party Rings Quilt Block - https://www.etsy.com/listing/856344951/fpp-sewing-pattern-for-all-the-nice-iced?click_key=b58aa9db7abbf6510d321b7930bee7a5168af857%3A856344951&click_sum=bf23acef&ref=shop_home_active_16
Glitter Ball Quilt - https://sewingschool.thecraftynomad.co.uk/courses/the-glitter-ball-quiltalong-on-demand
Bernina 770 - https://www.bernina.com/en-US/Machines-US/Series-Overview/BERNINA-7-Series/BERNINA-770-QE
Bernina 475 - https://www.bernina.com/en-US/Machines-US/Series-Overview/BERNINA-4-Series/BERNINA-475-QE
*Wool Pressing Mat - https://amzn.to/3SVS9ou
Geometree Quilt - https://sewingschool.thecraftynomad.co.uk/courses/geometree-self-study
Sasafrass Lane - https://sassafras-lane.com/
Alison Glass Fabrics - https://alisonglass.com/
Libs Elliott - https://libselliott.com/
*Atomic Habits - https://amzn.to/4guHPhe
Embroidered Journey Tours to London and Paris - https://embroideredjourney.com/
Fashion and Textile Museum in London - https://fashiontextilemuseum.org/
**Affiliate link - I might make a commission but you don’t pay more*
Where to find Sam Hunter:
How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz - www.revcraftbiz.com
Hunter's Design Studio - www.huntersdesignstudio.com
Embroidered Journey - www.embroideredjourney.com
Creatively Sorted - www.creativelysorted.com
Sam Hunter Art - www.samhunterart.com
The RevCraftBiz Podcast is a Quilt Talk™ product
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