#21: Part 2 of my convo with my dear friend Teresa Coates. We chat about making decisions along the way to make your life and business easier.
Website - https://www.teresacoates.com/
Pattern Website - https://crinkledreams.myshopify.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/teresacoates @teresacoates or
Instagram @crinkledreams (pattern shop)
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TeresaCoates
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/coatesbespoke
KC Maker - https://www.kcmakerstudio.com/
Terry Atkinson - https://atkinsondesigns.com/
Violet Craft Seam Roller - https://www.violetcraft.com/notions-and-tools/violet-craft-seam-roller
Bloc Loc Ruler - https://blocloc.com/
*Easy Angle Ruler - https://amzn.to/46AdWrx
Trader Joe’s - https://www.traderjoes.com/home
Tattoos! (Teresa on top, Sam on the bottom)
By Annie Stiletto - https://www.byannie.com/shop/sup207-byannie-s-stiletto-pressing-tool-1996#attr=
Bridgerton - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgerton
Alexander Henry Fabric - http://www.ahfabrics.com/
Ghastleys fabric - https://www.ahfabrics.com/collections/category/18-theghastlies
Kaafe Fasset Shot Cottons -
Pepper Cory Shot Cottons -
*The Creative Act by Rick Rubin - https://amzn.to/3yuPxXE
*Affiliate link - I might make a commission but you don’t pay more
Where to find Sam Hunter:
How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz - www.revcraftbiz.com
Hunter's Design Studio - www.huntersdesignstudio.com
Embroidered Journey - www.embroideredjourney.com
Creatively Sorted - www.creativelysorted.com
Sam Hunter Art - www.samhunterart.com
The RevCraftBiz Podcast is a Quilt Talk™ product
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