#09: Lyric Kinard talks about building connections between quilting professionals, their customers and guilds. She has become a leader in teaching industry professionals how to deliver video content, and maintains a robust list of art competitions and exhibitions that people can enter. She also talks about making changes based on analyzing the bottom line of her business, how critical it is to protect your time.
Website - https://lyrickinard.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lyrickinard/
Raleigh Civic Symphony Orchestra - https://raleighcivicsymphony.com/
Global Quilt Connection - https://www.globalquiltconnection.com/
Sue Bleiweiss - https://www.suebleiweiss.com/
Northern California Quilt Council - https://ncqc.net/
Quilting Arts TV - https://www.quiltingdaily.com/quilting-arts-tv-quilting-daily/
Lyric’s online courses - https://shop.lyrickinard.com/collections/online-courses
Academy for Virtual Teaching - https://www.academyforvirtualteaching.com/
Lyric’s Call for Entry list - https://lyrickinard.com/calls-for-entry/
Belle Brunner - https://www.seamssewme.com/
QuiltCon - https://quiltcon.com/
Professional Art Quilters Alliance - https://www.artquilters.com/
Videri Chocolate - https://viderichocolatefactory.com/
JCoco Chocolate - https://www.seattlechocolate.com/collections/jcoco-chocolate
Ranger Chocolate - https://rangerchocolate.co/
Woodblock Chocolate - https://woodblockchocolate.com/
Amadei Italian Chocolate - https://amedei.it/en
Omnom chocolate - https://omnomchocolate.com/
*Email Marketing that Doesn’t Suck - https://amzn.to/3UpHoLd
*Superfans Book - Pat Flynn - https://amzn.to/3Kj6gQc
*Affiliate link - I might make a commission but you don’t pay more
Where to find Sam Hunter:
How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz - www.revcraftbiz.com
Hunter's Design Studio - www.huntersdesignstudio.com
Embroidered Journey - www.embroideredjourney.com
Creatively Sorted - www.creativelysorted.com
Sam Hunter Art - www.samhunterart.com
The RevCraftBiz Podcast is a Quilt Talk™ product
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